Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Steve Jobs called it "revolutionary and magical." I'm guessing he doesn't know the definition of either word.

The iPad is a large iPod Touch. That's what it is. So it's not revolutionary. At all. Making old technology bigger does not impress. Note to Apple: every tablet ever has been a failure. The iPad's hope for success? The Cult of Apple. That's it. Suckers, err, people, so obsessed with the brand they can't think logically about it.

Let's breakdown the iPad. What is it technologically? Improved semiconductor (read: processor speed and efficiency), not Apple's thing; and LED technology (read: LG or Samsung or Sony -powered), not Apple's thing. So, we're looking at a non-Apple Apple Revolution? Pass.

As for magical, really Jobs? You kidding me? It transforms life? It's your computer, then you "dock it and it becomes your alarm clock." Like my cell phone since 2001?

My iPhone is magical, I believe that. It's this amazing computer that makes phone calls and fits in my pocket. ... ... Why do I need a bigger one? That won't make phone calls?

The iPad takes the iPhone and kills what makes it awesome. Way not to over-hype an XXL-iTouch.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So long, "Sword"

Last night I finally gave up reading "Sword of Shannarah," as I just couldn't take it any more. It's easy to see how Terry Brooks grew into a solid author, as there are flashes of brilliance, but on the whole it's just bad writing.
When the word choice is so poor it's distracting, there needs to be an intervention. The worst part is you can see what he does right so clearly that the weaknesses are tragic for what they ruin. Brooks has some incredibly original thoughts, and some very clever views of human history. Then he shrouds them in cliches.
I currently have Elizabeth Kostova's "The Historian" in my car, and listen to it while I drive. I've read it before, but I'll still fund myself shaking my head at her astonishing word selection. It's humbling, to say the least. Combining her diction with the multiple interweaving storylines, we have a modern classic.
Then I go home and see where Brooks named the bad guys "the Skull Kingdom" and their leader "the Warlock King" and I want to slap him all the way back to "Rainbow Lake."
There are too many good books in the world to force yourself to read something anywhere below top quality.

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Monday, January 25, 2010


What's worse than having a crappy day? Complaining about it.
Today is one of those days of zero motivation and frequent irritability. Basically, I'm being a baby.
God forbid I look at how great my life is. A loving, caring wife; a family so perfect it's almost funny; more friends than I can see regularly, a great dog, and even a good job in a bad economy.
If you're reading this, feel bad for me. Or know I'm an ungrateful ass today. One or the other.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, January 14, 2010

8 long months...

Since I've last posted...
Cinder's put on 30 pounds and has become a truly good dog. I know he's lucky to have left the pound, but we're just as luck to have him.
My wife became pregnant, and 3 months later no longer was. I've been boycotting this subject. I don't feel ready now either. I suppose the good news is that I'm not officially Cronus, as was looking like the case for a while there. So I got that going for me.
I have a Godson. He's a happy, healthy, huge baby. Just a blessing on us, and we're so lucky to get to share him. I'm chalking him and Cin up as the two good things from 09. There are others (other friends had kids as well), but those are the two I see a lot.
I now have a beard. Chinstrap and goatee. Surprisingly decent since it's my first foray into facial hair.
Life continues to treat me better than I have any right to expect or even hope for.